What Is A Podcast? Learn How To Start A Podcast Today

The download of podcasts peaks both immediately after a podcast has been uploaded and right before examinations or deadlines. Students use podcasts as part of their review for exams because it provides different methods of reinforcement of course material. This includes visual reinforcement of material, and testing of their knowledge base, and adding variety to the review experience. In addition, students who missed the lecture because of sickness or other reasons can use podcasts to catch up on their notes.

Some faculty are very innovative in their use of podcasts, utilizing audio beyond recording traditional classroom lectures. What follows are representative examples of podcasts designed to enhance and supplement the face-to-face classroom and online learning experience. In fact, if you have a smartphone, you probably already have a podcasting app included with your operating system. You can also download an app to listen to podcasts from the "Store" section of your phone. Some of the most common platforms for listening are Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and Stitcher.

Here, all the principles are the same, but you'll just need to send them all a unique link or password so they can access the content. You can learn more about this in our guide to setting up a private podcast for students. New technology always has a heavy impact on education, and podcasting is no different. Many learning institutions are cutting back on textbooks and investing in technology-enhanced learning. Podcasting, as one of the latest mediums to emerge into the mainstream, is one of the forefront technologies in this change.

For example, students are able to create their own podcasts to record reflections, a summary of notes, or additional creative accomplishments. Below are five representative examples of student assignments in university courses showcasing a range of diversity and complexity for student-produced podcasts. Access logs to the podcasts showed that many of the lectures were downloaded well after they were posted, which suggests that students do not often use podcasts for immediate review of recent lectures. White learned that the overwhelming majority of the lectures downloaded in the week before each of his exams were relevant to the corresponding exam. These data suggest that the majority of his lectures were listened to during the week before each exam, likely as part of the students' preparation for each exam.

Think about your publishing schedule before you purchase podcast hosting. If each episode is an hour long, every episode’s file might be around 50mb, which means you’ll likely require over 200mb per month. Generally, it’s wise to pay a little more for the option that gives you a little more space than you require, just in case. If you’re wondering how to start a podcast, your first step will need to be deciding what you’re actually going to discuss on the episode. If you’re looking for a powerful audio editing tool with all the bells and whistles, look no further than Adobe Audition.

Based in the Midwest, Shelley Frost has been writing parenting and education articles since 2007. Her experience comes from teaching, tutoring and managing educational after school programs. Frost worked in insurance and software testing before becoming a writer. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in elementary education with a reading endorsement. For this you will need a microphone and an audio recording tool.

It can be listened to on the go, while commuting to office or even while working. It’s a content medium that doesn’t require all of your target audience’s attention like a video or a blog post. Platforms such as Podbean, Spreaker, and Anchor may help with hosting and promotion by guiding you through the process. When your podcast is ready you can then opt to publish it on your classroom PCS Network blog if you have one or share it on a podcast hosting platform of your choice. Creating podcast allows students to develop several important skills such as researching, writing, speaking effectively, solving problems, managing time, among others.

When a student misses a class, it's not always because they're lazy. By offering a podcast, your unlucky, sick student who has missed a number of classes can, instead, download recordings of the lectures. Students can use the podcast for reference purposes or when preparing themselves for upcoming examinations. Any student who had challenges understanding a topic in the classroom can listen to this podcast. They can study the content and understand the topic at their own pace. There's also an option to create a private podcast if you'd only like it to be accessible to your students and nobody else.

It is very important to ensure that podcasts are created in a format that can be played on all mp3 players and not just on iPods. Although podcasts can easily be made available through iTunes, iTunes shares files in a format not accessible to all computers and mp3 players. As a noun it refers to the file that is downloaded or streamed; as a verb it refers to the process or method of delivering the file.

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